Meet the BRPM Staff

We are proud to introduce our amazing BRPM Staff. They do the hard, often behind the scenes work, that is crucial to your care and excellent patient experience. We are truly blessed to have them.
So, without further ado, the Blue Ridge Pain Management staff:
Christina: Insurance Specialist
- Favorite dessert: Olive Garden Birthday Cake
- Best vacation ever taken: St. Martin cruise
- One food you refuses to eat: Brussel sprouts
- Favorite way to unwind: Working out
- Most proud moment: Buying my home
- Love about BRPM: My co-workers
Lovace: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Swanson
- Favorite way to unwind: Craft projects
- One animal you could be for a day: Lion
- One food you REFUSE to eat: Chicken feet
- Music style that best describes you: Country/Gospel
- Karaoke Night song pick: Red Neck Woman
- Love about BRPM: The opportunity to learn different ways and procedures to deal with pain.
Angelica: Pharmacy Technician
- Favorite movie/play: A Walk to Remember, or Hope Floats
- Dream vacation: Alaskan cruise
- One animal you could be for a day: monkey
- Favorite phone app: Pintrest
- Most proud moment: graduating Basic Training
- Love about BRPM: The people I work with
Lisa: Front Desk Receptionist in Salem
- Favorite dessert: preacher cookies or chocolate chip cookies
- One person you’d have lunch with: my dad–he died when I was two years old
- If you could live anywhere, you’d pick: northern California
- Moment you’re most proud of: graduating in May of 2015–I started in the Human Services program five days after breast cancer diagnosis.
- Karaoke night pick: Harvest Moon
- Love about BRPM: the people, coworkers, and patients
Stephen: Clinical Assistant
- Dream Vacation: Germany–land of my ancestors
- Favorite way to unwind: acoustic guitar
- Food you refuse to eat: sushi
- One person you could have lunch with: Jesus Christ
- Moment you’re most proud of: marrying my wife–I married up!
- Love about BRPM: the vast array of knowledge and experience I’m gaining
Rebekah: Laboratory Technologist
- Biggest pet peeves: being rushed
- Favorite way to unwind: friends and wine
- One animal you could be for a day: a shark
- Music style that best describes you: rock
- Biggest fear: moths
- Love about BRPM: coworkers!
Aura Maria: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Baylor
- Favorite color: purple
- Best vacation ever taken: Peru
- Favorite way to unwind: running
- Music style that best describes you: Merengue
- One person you’d love to have lunch with: Jesus
- Love about BRPM: the staff and great sense of humor around.
Allison: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Dragovich
- Favorite color: Fuschia
- Favorite way to unwind: Bubble bath
- Dream Vacation: Hawaii
- A day of shopping and money to burn: Shoes
- One person you’d love to have lunch with: Morris Chestnut
- Love about BRPM: Working with a great physician
Jenna: New Patient Referral Coordinator
- Best vacation ever taken: Key West
- Dream vacation: Belize
- One thing you’d grab from your burning home (people and pets are safe): My wedding dress
- One food you REFUSE to eat: Tofu
- Day of shopping and money to burn: I would spend it on my stepdaughters and buy my husband a new truck
- Love about BRPM: I feel needed
Dee Jay: Clinical Assistant to Kaitlin Daniels, P.A.
- Favorite TV show: Rugrats
- Favorite dessert: Milkshakes/floats
- Bad habit: Biting my nails
- Person you’d love to have lunch with: Jesus
- Biggest fear: Being confined in a small space
- Love about BRPM: my co-workers
Richard: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Baylor
- One person you’d love to have lunch with: My mom
- Most proud moment: When my daughter was born
- Biggest fear: Snakes
- Dream vacation: Sturgis Bike Festival
- Karaoke Night song pick: Elvis
- Love about BRPM: The people and the patients
Colleen: Practice Manager
- Favorite dessert: Cherry pie
- Dream vacation: Travel through Europe
- One animal you could be for a day: Bunny rabbit
- If you could live anywhere in the world, you’d pick: Somewhere tropical
- Most proud moment: Daughter being accepting to college
- Love about BRPM: New challenges every day; never a dull moment
Ashley: Clinical Assistant for Dana Hurt
- Favorite color: Green
- Favorite way to unwind: Working on a pottery wheel or painting
- Favorite phone app: Facebook
- Music style that most describe’s you: Music by Adele
- Karaoke night song pick: Love Shack by the B52’s
- Love about BRPM: Coworkers and my patients
Sarah: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Dragovich
- Dream vacation: A trip to Japan
- Favorite way to unwind: Roller Derby
- One thing you’d grab from your burning home: My grandmother’s keepsake bracelet
- Moment you are most proud of: Being asked to enter an art show
- Favorite phone app: language studies: Japanese
- Love about BRPM: I have the weekends off
Tequila (Kee Kee): Clinical Assistant for Laura Davis
- Favorite movie: Cinderella
- One animal you could be for a day: An owl
- Favorite phone app: Candy Crush
- One person you’d have lunch with: Chris Rock
- If you could live anywhere, you’d pick: Georgia
- Love about BRPM: The patients
Virginia: Front Desk Reception in Christiansburg
- Favorite way to unwind: Walking
- Best vacation you’ve taken: Bald Head Island
- Favorite dessert: Cheesecake
- Day of shopping and money to burn: I’d spend it on my family and friends
- One food you refuse to eat: Peppers
- Love about BRPM: Helping people
Latasha: Scheduling and Medical Records
- Favorite movie: Wizard of Oz
- Favorite way to unwind: Reading
- One thing you’d grab from your burning home: My phone…so I can read!
- Music style that best describes you: Oldies soul
- Biggest fear: Not making my son proud
- Love about BRPM: My coworkers
Tonya: Clinical Assistant for Dr. Swanson
- Favorite movie: Pollyanna
- Favorite: dessert: Pound cake
- Music style that best describes you: Old school blues
- A day of shopping and money to burn: I would spend it on the Rescue Mission
- If you could live anywhere, you’d pick: Tahiti
- Love about BRPM: Connecting with the patients and families
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